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Blog Posts

black and white photo of a young woman sleeping in bed

The Importance of Sleep for College Students

As a college student, your schedule may seem packed with back-to-back lectures, assignments, and social activities. With so much to juggle, it’s easy to fall into the trap of sacrificing sleep. However, understanding the critical role that sleep plays in your academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being is vital. Establishing a healthy sleep routine […]

woman covering her face with a white book

How To Manage Stress as a College Student

College allows you to meet new people and gain new learnings and experiences. However, exams, deadlines, financial struggles, balancing studies, and other responsibilities are all causes of stress in college students. Wondering how to manage stress as a college student or what stress-free activities for college students you can try? Check out the following article. […]

woman going over her monthly budget on a laptop

Budgeting Tips for College Students

Budgeting while in college can be a struggle at times. For many young adults, the need to budget finances seems like a difficult task or something that can wait until after graduation. However, the truth is that honing in on budgeting skills before you leave college will help you form healthy spending habits that will […]